Embracing Complexity: Navigating Intersections in Global Diplomacy for a Shared Tomorrow
Summary of the 17th Korea-America Student Conference
The 17th KASC theme was “Embracing Complexity: Navigating Intersections in Global Diplomacy for a Shared Tomorrow.” This theme highlights the complex nature of the intertwined international relationship and emphasizes making progressive approaches to address these intricate yet vital challenges. To enable delegates to tackle this theme effectively, the 17th Executive Committee not only invited distinguished guest speakers from diverse fields but also collaborated with the Japan-America Student Conference in a joint program, making the 17th KASC even more unique and valuable opportunity for delegates to exchange their ideas and perspectives on complex and sensitive issues.
The five Executive Committee (ECs) members of KASC, three students from South Korea and two students from the United States, arranged academic and cultural sessions where prominent experts from different fields and delegates of KASC engage in passionate discussions on U.S.-ROK relations, covering topics such as international relations, business and government corporations, security alliances, and other cultural collaboration.
In addition to the five ECs, the 17th KASC comprised 10 American delegates, and 10 Korean delegates, for a total of 25 students. Recruitment for KASC 17 was especially competitive. This year’s conference saw a 45% increase in applications from the prior year, receiving 54 applications with an acceptance rate of 37%. For an overview of the participants’ universities, majors, and student status please see the Appendix.
The ECs arranged various academic sessions where prominent experts from different fields and delegates of KASC engaged in passionate discussions on US-ROK relations, covering topics such as international relations, business and government corporations, security alliances, and other cultural collaborations. Through this three-week intensive conference, delegates grew their understanding of each other’s cultures, which will positively reinforce the future of the US-ROK relationship, and enhance their professional growth and cross-cultural communication skills essential for leadership in this globalized world.
Roundtable Topic and Final Forum
The delegates are assigned a Roundtable (RT) topic to engage with throughout the conference. In these cross-cultural cohorts, delegates engage in research and small group discussions. The topics for KASC 17 were:
- The Interplay of Business, Law, and Diplomacy in a Global Context
- Arts and Media
- Environment and Technology
- International Relations and Political Science
- Trade and Economic Cooperation
Each KASC RT group serves as the focal point for delegates to freely brainstorm and construct their research projects for the Final Forum, which was held in Seoul, South Korea at the American Diplomacy House. Towards the end of the DC portion of the conference, KASC 17 held the DC Internal Site Forum, during which each KASC RT group presented their main research topic, the significance of their research, and outlined the direction of their research. Each group received critical feedback from the ISC Executive Director, Bahia Simons-Lane, and other important guests.
The Final Forum serves as a capstone for the conference where delegates present what they learned from the academic sessions and research to distinguished guests and alumni through the lens of their RT topic. In 2024, it took place at the American Diplomacy House in Seoul, organized with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Seoul. KASC participants and distinguished guests convened on July 9th for the final presentations by each of the RT groups. The presentations covered the following topics:
- The Spirit of Camp David: Joint Statement of the Republic of Korea, Japan, and the United States
- Sanctions: the Threshold of Global Order
- Arts and Media: How do visual and performance art foster cultural diplomacy between the U.S and ROK
- The CHIPS and Science Act
- Global Adoption of Green Energy Through Collaboration Between the US and ROK
Through the Q&A session and conversations during the Final Forum, the delegates elaborated on their research and thought critically to answer the guests’ questions.
Impact & Achievements
The two most significant achievements this year were the organization of quality academic programming and the Final Forum research projects. The KASC 17 ECs focused on curating high-quality programming, especially for the New York and Seoul sites, exceeding ISC’s expectations by recruiting notable speakers from prominent organizations and developing new connections to broaden ISC’s network, such as with the Korea Society and Seoul National University.
Additionally, KASC 17 successfully held a KASC 17 X JASC 76 collaboration, inspired by the meetings of the student leaders from both conferences during the 2024 U.S.-Japan-Korea Forum where the students learned about the positive trilateral relationship in light of the success of 2023 Camp David Summit. The entire KASC delegation and the JASC Japanese delegation convened in Seoul to address vital regional issues on the trilateral partnership through a joint program held at Seoul National University. Initiated by the student leaders, this collaboration marks an important outcome of the annual Trilateral Forum and the role it plays in strengthening the annual conferences and fostering positive reinforcement of the Trilateral relationship for the next generation of leaders.
Notable program highlights from KASC 17 include:
- Reception at The Asia Group and the Korea Foundation;
- Six-Party talk simulation at the Korea Economic Institute
- Old Korean Legation Museum
- The Korea Society
- United Nation Development Programme
- KASC X JASC Collaboration
- American Chamber of Commerce
- American Diplomacy House & Final Forum
Through this unique student-run and led model, ISC continuously provides freedom to the student leaders to evolve and curate meaningful and impactful conferences that will fulfill the mission of ISC, promoting peace and strengthening ties through mutual understanding and friendship. ISC, along with its Board Members and National Advisory Committee Members, works closely with the KASC ECs to equip the elected students with the necessary tools, guidance, workshops, and access to trusted experts to continue the legacy of KASC in making a significant impact on students from both countries.
Through KASC 17’s successful intercultural exchange, the delegates created enduring ties with one another and developed professionally through academic workshops to become global-minded leaders. By the end of the program, “KASCers” of the 17th Conference were readily equipped with renewed confidence, insights, and the motivation needed to actively realize change within their communities both at home and abroad. By building bridges between the two countries, the growing alumni community of KASC continues to contribute to a bright future for the US-Korea relationship.

KASC 17 Executive Committee
Designed for students by students, meet the bright young minds leading the 17th Korea-America Student Conference.

KASC 17 Sites
The 17th Korea-America Student Conference will travel to the USA and Korea, taking place in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Seoul.

KASC 17 Roundtables
Each year, several Roundtable topics are chosen as major discussion points to deepen Delegates’ understanding of bilateral issues.
Thank you to the generous supporters of the 17th Korea-America Student Conference (to date):

Scholarships Provided by:
- International Student Conferences Plant a Diplomatic Tree Scholarship
- University at Buffalo
- Jenny Town
- University of Hawaii – Manoa
- Indiana University
In-kind Supporters
- Korea Economic Institute America
- Korea Foundation USA
- The Korea Society
- The Asia Group