What is the Executive Committee?
Each year, American and Chinese Executive Committee (EC) members collaborate across the Pacific to meticulously plan the China-America Student Conference (ChASC). The conference is entirely student-led, from determining Roundtable topics and recruiting delegates to arranging accommodations and coordinating various programming activities. Throughout the conference, EC members take on dual roles as onsite coordinators and Roundtable leaders, providing guidance to the student delegation. As the conference draws to a close, delegates have the important task of electing their peers to form the next Executive Committee, continuing the legacy as they organize the upcoming year’s conference.
Serving as an EC member is an exceptional leadership opportunity for motivated students seeking to enhance their resumes. It offers a chance to cultivate and develop skills including international team collaboration and event planning by collaborating with public, private, and community partners. The ChASC ECs also receive valuable support from our parent organization, International Student Conferences, Inc. (ISC).
Meet the ChASC5 Executive Committee

Kiran Nieves-Noel
American Executive Committee
East Tennessee State University
Krislyn Massey
American Executive Committee
University of North Texas
Dahlia Townley-Bakewell
American Executive Committee
Indiana University Bloomington
Shu Xin
Chinese Executive Committee
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Boyuan Min
Sirong Wang
Chinese Executive Committee
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Chinese Executive Committee
China West Normal University
About the Team
Kiran Nieves-Noel
Hello! My name is Kiran (Kiwi) Noel! I’m originally from Washington State, however, I recently graduated from East Tennessee State University where I studied International Affairs and Chinese Studies.
My introduction to Chinese culture came as a surprise as I randomly decided to join an introductory Mandarin course in my first year of college. Unexpectedly, I quickly fell in love with the rich culture, language, and history of China. I joined ChASC with hopes of enriching my international relations and political knowledge by developing stronger relationships with students and young leaders who hold similar interests but differing perspectives, and I can wholeheartedly say that my experience with ChASC has achieved that enrichment beyond expectation. ChASC truly illuminates the importance and impact of student to student diplomacy in bridging cultural divides and fostering dialogue between Western and Chinese perspectives on global pursuits, and I aspire to continue that legacy as an EC for ChASC 5.
你好!我是Kiran (Kiwi) Noel。我来自华盛顿州,但我最近毕业于东田纳西州立大学,主修国际事务和中文研究。我对中国文化的了解是一个机缘巧合,因为我在大学第一年随机决定了参加一个初级汉语课程。出乎意料的是,我很快爱上了中国丰富的文化、语言和历史。我加入中美学生会议是希望通过与有相似兴趣但不同观点的学生和青年领袖建立更牢固的关系,来丰富我的国际关系和政治知识。我可以全心全意地说,中美学生会议的经历远远超出了我的预期。中美学生会议真正阐明了学生对学生外交在弥合文化鸿沟和促进中西方在全球事务上的对话中的重要性和影响。我希望作为第五届中美学生会议的执行委员会成员,继续这一传承。
Krislyn Massey
Hi, I’m Krislyn Massey from Houston, Texas! I am a current Masters student at the University of North Texas studying Human Security. I received my B.A. at the same school in National Security and Diplomacy with certificates in Global Studies and Advanced Dispute Resolution!
I joined ChASC 5 because I have always admired the roots of tradition and the extensive history of China. Considering the USA hasn’t yet reached even 300, yet China has over 5000 years of history and culture to examine, it’s always interesting to see the influences of both interacting in the world today!
Additionally, due to my extensive language courses in Japanese, I also enjoy finding the commonalities in kanji used today language-wise and seeing how the branches of language expanded. My favorite ways of exploring Chinese culture are through traditional music and clothing, philosophers, bubble tea, and novels written by Chinese authors! I want to use my knowledge for the betterment of ChASC 5 and create a unique experience for delegates! Let’s make lifelong friendships while engaging in -to-people diplomacy!
哈罗,我是来自德州的Krislyn Massey。我是人類安全北德州大学的碩士學生。我也从北德州大学受到我的国家安全和外交学位,也受到了关于全球学业和高级争议解决的证明。我想要參加中美學生會議,因為我從來都崇拜中國的传统和历史。中国有5000多年的历史,但是美国还没有300年的历史。因此,我觉得中国和美国对现在社会的影响。很有趣。另外,我对汉字和它的历史很感兴趣,因为我学习日语。我最喜欢的探索中华文化的方法就是:传统衣服和音乐、哲学、珍珠奶茶和被华人写的小说!我想要用我的知识提高中美学生会议,而且给中美学生会议的delegates带来难忘经验!我们一起同时当一生朋友并参加人与人之间外交!
Dahlia Townley-Bakewell
Hi everyone! I’m Dahlia, from Memphis, Tennessee (USA.) I am a freshman at Indiana University Bloomington, majoring in East Asian Languages and Cultures with a concentration in Chinese. I have been learning Chinese for the past five years through my high school’s Chinese program, and three NSLI-Y (National Security Language Initiative for Youth) scholarships, one of which took me to Taiwan for a year to continue my Mandarin studies at an advanced level. As a volunteer English teacher for Project ZMBY, I also added cultural context to my language studies by comparing Chinese and American language and culture with students at Harbin University in China. Learning more about US-China relations has been an increasingly important part of my language learning experience, and ChASC 4 contributed greatly to my understanding of the world and its countries. I am so excited to be an EC for ChASC 5, and I can’t wait to meet you all!
Shu Xin
I am Shu Xin, a senior at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University majoring in Global Affairs and International Relations. My concentration within this field is on China-U.S. relations and Global Governance. In the future, I aspire to work for Multilateral Development Banks to contribute to improving the welfare of developing countries. Additionally, I have extensive experience in International Youth Communication programs, and I am committed to enhancing communication and understanding between China and the U.S. Outside the classroom, I am passionate about cycling, particularly mountain bike racing. I have competed in the World University Championship cycling, representing Team China. I believe cycling can be a meaningful form of diplomacy, which you will appreciate if you join us at ChASC 5. From now on, I will be in charge of China Affairs within this EC team, see you at ChASC 5!
Boyuan Min
Hello! My name is Min Boyuan, a third-year student majoring in International Affairs and International Relations at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, with a focus on international relations theory and multilateral cooperation. I come from the culturally rich region of Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture in Xinjiang, which has given me a unique perspective and a passion for cross-cultural exchange. I enjoy engaging with people from various backgrounds. My academic interests include philosophy, history, and biology; a deep curiosity drives me to seek knowledge. In my free time, I love horseback riding and archery, traditional sports that connect me with nature and balance my studies. With my experience in cultural exchange and strong interest in global affairs, I’m thrilled to contribute to the Fifth China-America Student Conference (ChASC 5), promoting meaningful dialogue and collaboration between China and the U.S. I look forward to building connections through our shared interests and diverse perspectives.
大家好!我叫闵柏元,是西交利物浦大学国际事务与国际关系专业的本科三年级学生,专注于国际关系理论与多边合作。我的家乡位于文化丰富的新疆博尔塔拉蒙古自治州,这一背景使我拥有了独特的视角,对跨文化交流充满热情,乐于与不同文化背景的人互动交流。我的学术兴趣广泛,包括哲学、历史学和生物学,求知欲是我最大的驱动力。在课余时间,我喜欢骑马和射箭,这些传统运动让我在亲近自然的同时,也为紧张的学术生活带来了平衡。凭借在文化交流领域的实践经验和对全球事务的浓厚兴趣,我非常期待在第五届中美学生会议(ChASC 5)中贡献我的力量,促进中美之间的深度对话与合作。我期待与大家相识,通过我们的共同兴趣和多元视角架起沟通的桥梁。
Sirong Wang
Hello everyone! I’m Wang Sirong, a graduate student in Journalism and Communication at China West Normal University, specializing in intelligent media and international communication. I see the China-US Student Conference as a valuable bridge for enhancing exchanges between Chinese and American youth, offering a platform to deepen understanding and involvement in China-US relations. My experiences in United Nations and media industry have sparked my interest in educational technology and comparative education research. In the future, I hope to contribute to the international organizations and education sectors. In my free time, I enjoy photography, hiking, and visiting exhibitions, and I have a keen interest in psychology, aesthetics, and architecture. I believe that maintaining an open mindset allows us to gain fresh perspectives through cultural exchange. I look forward to building cross-cultural friendships and gaining an inspiring and unforgettable experience at the ChASC 5 !
大家好!我是王思蓉,西华师范大学新闻与传播专业的硕士生,研究方向为智能媒体与国际传播。我认为中美学生会议是促进中美青年交流的宝贵桥梁,为对中美文化有兴趣的学生提供了交流平台,激发大家对中美关系的深入理解与参与。在国际组织及媒体的实践和经验让我对教育技术及中美比较教育相关研究和传播产生了浓厚兴趣。未来,我希望在国际组织及教育领域深耕,贡献所长。课余时间,我喜欢摄影、登山、看展,也对心理学、美学、建筑学有浓厚兴趣。我相信,保持开放、不设限的心态,能让我们在中西文化碰撞中收获新思维。希望在第五届中美学生会议(ChASC 5)中,与大家建立跨文化友谊,收获一段难忘、富有启发的经历!