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17th KASC Executive Committee

What is the Executive Committee (EC)?

Since it first launched in 2008, the Korea-America Student Conference has been planned and implemented by students from the United States and South Korea. The 17th KASC Executive Committee (EC) is a group of elected students who create and implement the conference and comprises of an equal number of students representing the US and South Korea. EC elections occur at the end of each summer’s conference, during which both American and Korean delegates are nominated to run for one of ten positions and are elected by their peers.

Each year, American and Korean EC members collaborate across the Pacific Ocean to plan the next conference. Each part of the conference is student-led, from Roundtables to daily programming, contacting lecturers, and working with host universities to organize the sites of the conference. During the conference, EC members guide the student delegation as onsite coordinators and RoundTable leaders.

KASC 16 (2023)
KASC 16 EC Team (2023)

17th KASC EC Members

Grace Smith

American Chair
University of Florida

Hyeonyool Kim

Korean Chair
Seoul National University

Elliott Yoo

Marketing Chair
University of California, Irvine

Yoojin Yoon

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Yujung Lee

Liaison & Recruitment Chair
Yonsei University

Executive Committee Bios

American EC Members

Grace Smith / American Chair

Hi everyone! My name is Grace Smith and I will be the American Chair for this year’s KASC17 and leader of the Environment and Technology Roundtable. In Spring 2023, I graduated from University of Florida (Go Gators!) with a major in International Studies focused in Asia. I also have a minor in Anthropology and a certificate for Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL). I am currently looking to go to graduate school for Asian Studies and later would like to work in policy-making and US-ROK relations. Some of my hobbies include learning Korean, playing with my cats, and singing!

Last year, I was an American delegate for KASC16 and this experience was a catalyst for finding what I want to do with my life. Through the extensive programming, networking, and Round Table discussions, I was able to figure out a few different directions I wanted to explore in the time after my graduation. KASC offers a unique opportunity for professional and personal growth as students gain experience with US-ROK relations, talk to professionals in the field, participate in academic discussions, and experience different aspects of both American and Korean culture. It is my goal to help make KASC17 as memorable for you as KASC16 was for me.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you will apply to be a KASC17 delegate!

Elliott Yoo / Marketing Chair

Hello everyone! My name is Elliott Yoo, and I am the Marketing Chair for KASC 16! I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California and I am currently majoring in International Relations at Cerritos College. As an IR major, it was difficult to find the specific career pathway I wanted to walk down as it offers a variety of different fields that I could have set my focus on. However, as a delegate of KASC 16, the program gave me an insight on, for the lack of better words, real professional careers within the scope of international affairs. 

Although KASC is labeled as a cultural and academic program, that simple phrase undermines the diversity and richness of what the KASC 16 EC’s had diligently planned for us. From the cross-cultural interactions gained through a collaborative roundtable project to networking programming to connect with individuals from various fields (e.g. professors, interns, government officials), KASC 16 gave me the invaluable opportunity to forge connections that I could not have done solely on my own. Furthermore, as we spent days and nights sharing the same space through a 3-week period, the delegates naturally cultivated a deep and special bond with each other, creating a close-knit circle that transcends background, culture, and language. 

I strongly encourage anyone interested in KASC to apply and become a member of KASC 17! Please look forward to what we, as the KASC 17 Executive Committee, can offer to you and I cannot wait to meet you all!

Korean EC Members

Hyeonyool Kim / Korean Chair

Hello, my name is Hyeonyool, your Korean Chair for KASC 17, and it’s an honor to be part of this dynamic community. Currently, I’m pursuing my studies at Seoul National University, majoring in Business and minoring in International Relations.

KASC 16 was a transformative experience for me, where I not only expanded my horizons but also forged meaningful friendships. Now, as the Korean Chair for KASC 17, I’m excited to lead our exploration into the complex interplay of global politics, and especially with my RT group, Business, Diplomacy, and Law in a Global Context. It’s a timely and pressing topic that holds the key to understanding our rapidly evolving world.

KASC isn’t just a conference; it’s a platform for growth and global engagement. I eagerly anticipate working with the exceptional Executive Committee and connecting with delegates from diverse backgrounds. Together, we’ll dissect critical global issues and chart a path towards solutions.

I’d like to extend my gratitude to ISC for their unwavering support, and I encourage newcomers to seize this opportunity to join us at KASC 17. Let’s embark on this journey of discovery, growth, and positive change together. See you at the conference!

Yoojin Yoon / Treasurer

Hello everyone! My name is Yoojin Yoon and I am the Treasurer of KASC 17. I am currently double majoring in International Trade and Economics at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. I will be leading the Trade and Economic Cooperation Roundtable.

I have always been interested in global issues and economics. So throughout the experience of KASC 16, I was expecting to gain knowledge by round table discussions and lectures from guest speakers. However, the best part of being a KASC 16 delegation was meaningful interaction with people from different backgrounds. I truly enjoyed every single interaction with the US and Korean delegates, keynote speakers, and professionals. This program provides a lot of opportunities for networking both in the United States and South Korea which is very unique.

I am delighted to extend my journey of KASC along with my exceptional, hardworking ECs. 

Join this distinguished program and it would be a great stepping stone for young individuals. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Yujung Lee / Liaison & Recruiting Chair

Greetings, everyone!

My name is YuJung Lee, but you can call me Brenda. I currently hold the position of Liaison and Recruitment Chair for KASC 17. I was born in Daegu, South Korea, and have a diverse background that includes time spent during my childhood in the Philippines, Canada, and Boston.

I am currently majoring in East Asian Politics and Economy at Yonsei University. Beyond my academic endeavors, I have been actively engaged as the Vice-Leader of Team Innovator at the American Diplomacy House Academy. One notable achievement was co-organizing a forum related to the War reconstruction in Ukraine in collaboration with the US and the Ukrain Embassy.

I am forging a career in diplomacy and international relations, seeking various experiences to gain a comprehensive understanding of the field.One of them was KASC 16 which was a significant milestone, offering valuable learning experiences and expanding my network. I was extremely grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with such remarkable people last year.

After a year of dedicated preparation to ensure an unforgettable experience for our delegates, I am eagerly looking forward to KASC 17. I believe this student-led initiative, which focuses on analyses of ROK-US relations through fieldwork and presenting findings, holds immense significance for young leaders like us in today’s world.I hope it will be as valuable and enriching for all delegates as KASC 16 was for me.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email.

Bring it on world!