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4th China-America Student Conference

The Executive Committee | Roundtables | Sites | Participation Fee | Applications and Information Sessions

What Is the China-America Student Conference?

Inspired by the 89-year legacy of the Japan-America Student Conference (JASC), the China-America Student Conference (ChASC) is an academically rigorous and culturally immersive program that aims to promote friendship, trust, and mutual understanding amid increasing U.S.-China tensions. Over the course of this two week exercise in people-to-people diplomacy, chosen delegates representing the United States of America and China will live, travel, converse, and gain a firsthand understanding of the ever-evolving and multifaceted bilateral relationship. As a student-run and student-led conference, ChASC empowers young leaders by providing them with an unparalleled opportunity for in-depth discussions about timely issues and engaging in cooperative dialogue. Upon completion of the program, delegates will emerge with lifelong, cross-cultural friendships and the newfound perspective necessary to make meaningful contributions on both the world stage and within their local communities.



From Reflection to Connection: Lessons From the Past, Visions For the Future

从反思到联结: 回溯过去,展望未来

June 3rd-15th, 2024 | Chicago, Illinois and Washington, D.C.

Reflecting on Shared Histories

The 4th China-America Student Conference (ChASC4) invites participants to embark on a journey that begins with deep reflection on the shared histories of the United States and China. Delegates will explore the historical context, diplomatic milestones, and cultural exchanges that have shaped the complex tapestry of the US-China relationship. This comprehensive understanding of the past equips future leaders with the insights needed to navigate the relationship’s complexities and implications.

Connecting the Dots to Today

Understanding the past is merely the first step. The past continually informs the present, and ChASC4 encourages participants to apply their knowledge and experiences to the current context. By forging connections between people, delegates will bridge theory with real-world practice, enhancing the dynamics of today’s U.S.-China relations. 

Nurturing a Harmonious Tomorrow

ChASC4 emphasizes trust-building, mutual understanding, and the cultivation of innovative solutions in order to strengthen the U.S.-China relationship. Delegates will not only address contemporary challenges and issues, but those at the forefront of the geopolitical landscape. This transformative experience allows delegates to learn from history, discover common ground, and pave a path toward a brighter, more harmonious future. 







Some examples of conference programming (from ChASC3):

More pictures are available on our Flickr!


Thank you to the generous supporters of the 4th China-America Student Conference:

2024 Scholarships Provided by:

  • International Student Conferences Plant a Diplomatic Tree Scholarship
  • Anonymous
  • University of Hawaii
  • Washington & Lee

202Program Partners

  • Korean Economic Institute America
  • The Asia Group
  • Chinese Embassy, Washington, DC
  • The Department of State
  •  American Diplomacy Museum
  • US-China Heartland Association

Thank you to the generous supporters of the 3rd China-America Student Conference:

2023 Scholarships Provided by:

  • International Student Conferences Plant a Diplomatic Tree Scholarship
  • America China Public Affairs Institute
  • Baldwinsville Rotary Club
  • US-China Heartland Association

2023 Program Partners

  • Korean Economic Institute America
  • The Asia Group
  • Bloomberg
  • Chinatown Business Improvement District
  • Chinese Embassy, Washington, DC
  • The Department of State
  • National Security Council

About ChASC

Past Conferences