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ISC programs, the Korea-America Student Conference (KASC), the Japan-America Student Conference (JASC), and the China-America Student Conference, provide an intensive, hands-on education for equal numbers of students from the U.S. and partner country. These programs are unique in that university students develop, plan, and implement each Conference–a tradition that’s carried forward since JASC’s founding in 1934. This ensures the vitality and relevance of our Conferences, which recruit new students every year.

At the end of each Conference, delegates elect two Student Executive Committees (representing each country). They work together in planning the next Conference, from promotion and recruitment to logistics and academics.

Having participated in the Conference, Executive Committees have a keen understanding of the program’s mission. Moreover, the challenge of planning a major, international Conference develops their leadership skills. Students who join the Conference contribute further through research and leading Roundtable discussions and projects.

Executive Committees also host Roundtables, plan field trips, prepare seminars, invite distinguished speakers, arrange for room and board–and, most importantly, ensure that the Conference runs smoothly. While Executive Committees receive guidance and assistance from International Student Conferences (ISC) and their partner institutions in Japan and Korea, the Student Executive Committees are fully independent in planning and managing the Conferences.

Learn more about the benefits of becoming an EC.