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JASC Finances

While the actual cost of each Delegate is well over $7,000, this cost is significantly subsidized by ISC to reduce the total cost.

The $3,500 participation fee in a Japan year and $3,000 in an American covers all housing, pre-arranged meals, cultural activities, international flights between the United States and South Korea, ground travel, insurance, and other program-related expenses made during the Conference. Once accepted to the Delegation, a non-refundable deposit of $500 is required to secure your spot.

For Delegates residing in the United States, the cost of domestic transportation to the first site in the U.S. is the Delegates’ responsibility. The participation fee will cover American Delegates’ international flight to Japan or within the United States and all ground transportation during the conference, as well as international flights from the last site in Japan to a single location in America (the same site as American Orientation) at the end of the conference. American Delegates are then responsible for their own individual travel home at the conclusion of the conference.


Each year, 60-80% of Delegates receive full or partial scholarships to participate in an International Student Conference. Although fundraising can seem intimidating, and the financial burden on students has only increased since the start of the pandemic, past JASCers have been very creative and successful in raising funds. Please see below for additional information on how to fund your participation in JASC.

One of the best places to begin your fundraising journey is at your university. Research the programs currently offered by your school and then reach out to a relevant department of study abroad, office of sponsored research, or a similarly minded department to see what opportunities are available to students. Even if your university does not have any internal sources of funding, schools have often successfully connected students with relevant external sources of funding. When contacting a department at your school, prepare a brief “elevator pitch” about what JASC is and how participating as a Delegate will contribute your academic and professionals goals. If you need any assistance in preparing this, please reach out to the JASC Executive Committee for support. Below is a more complete list of potential funding sources at your university.

Additionally, Japanese and American corporations in your local area may be willing to offer additional resources for funding. Identify businesses in your area that you think would be interested in investing in your experience with JASC. Start by contacting the Community Relations or Public Affairs office of the organization to set up a time to meet with a representative. The Chamber of Commerce or other Japan-related local societies in your area may also have a list of organizations whom you may contact. Internationally-minded nonprofits often offer specialized scholarships and grant funding for participation in international conferences. Regardless of where you decide to pursue funding support, please keep the JASC Executive Committee updated on whom you have contacted and how the process is progressing!

If you any additional questions about the participation fee, please contact the ISC office for further information.