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5th ChASC Finances

Participation Fee

Information on the participation fee for ChASC5 is coming soon!

Financing Your Participation Fee

While International Student Conferences (ISC) subsidizes a majority of ChASC expenses, delegates are responsible for a participation fee. The real cost of each delegate is $5,000+ but ISC subsidizes the cost so that delegates pay only $2,000-$3,000.

Each year, 60-80% of delegates receive partial or full scholarships from their schools or financial assistance from other sources. Fundraising can seem complicated and intimidating, but past delegates have been very creative and successful in raising funds. Below are some funding resources.

At Your University

Many delegates have been successful in obtaining funding from university departments and organizations. Please visit the scholarships page for more information.

Corporate Contacts

Chinese and American corporations in hometown area or affiliated with your university are additional sources for funding. Identify businesses in your area that would be interested in investing in you and your experience with ChASC. Contact the Community Relations/Public Affairs/Corporate Social Responsibility office of the company and set up a time to meet with a representative. The Chamber of Commerce or other China-related local societies in your area may have a list of corporate members whom you may use as contacts. Internationally-minded nonprofits may also offer their own scholarships. Be sure to check with the ISC office to coordinate so that corporations do not receive duplicate requests.

Feel free to contact the ISC office for further advice and details on fundraising options.